Endovascular Treatment for Femoro-popliteal Artery Disease with Chronic Total Occlusions: Short-term Outcomes in Local State Hospital
Original Research
P: 12-16
April 2023

Endovascular Treatment for Femoro-popliteal Artery Disease with Chronic Total Occlusions: Short-term Outcomes in Local State Hospital

Bull Crdiov Acad 2023;1(1):12-16
1. Eskişehir Sağlık ve Uygulama Hastanesi, Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniği, Eskişehir, Türkiye
2. Royal-Brompton Harefield Hastanesi, Kalp Cerrahisi Kliniği, Londra, Birleşik Kralık
3. Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Tokat, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 25.03.2023
Accepted Date: 12.05.2023
Publish Date: 14.06.2023



Endovascular treatment method is an important option in chronic total occlusions of femoropopliteal artery disease, we think that balloon angioplasty revascularization may be promising in well-selected patients. However, the necessity of randomized controlled trials with a larger number of patients is obvious.


Our patient group had a mean age of 64.2 years and was relatively young according to the literature, however the burden of active smoking (71.2%) and diabetes (53.1%) was high. The rate of admission to hospital for cardiovascular reasons within one month after the procedure was 12.5%, and repeated target vessel revascularization was 3.1%. The primary endpoint of the study was the 6-month restenosis rate of 39%, but the repeated revascularization rate was 29.7%. In addition Stenting has been found to be an independent predictor of target vessel restenosis.

Material and Methods:

Sixty-five patients with chronic femoropopliteal artery occlusion who underwent endovascular treatment in our cardiovascular surgery clinic between 2020 and 2022 were reviewed retrospectively after ethics committee approval. Follow-up was 6 months.


The adequacy of endovascular therapies in the treatment of chronic occlusions, which is one of the most severe forms of peripheral arterial disease, which affects more than 200 million people worldwide, is still a matter of debate. In this research article, the factors affecting the effectiveness and success of endovascular treatments were investigated and discussed in the light of current literature.


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